Apartheid Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit un libro di Hennie Van VuurenC Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd:acquista su IBS a 34.16 ! Download Citation on ResearchGate | On Apr 16, 2019, Tom Lodge and others published Apartheid, guns and money: a tale of profit. the University of Cape Town. He was the lead researcher on Hennie van Vuuren's Apartheid Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit (Auckland Park: Jacana, 2017). APARTHEID GUNS AND MONEY: A TALE OF PROFIT. VAN VUREN H. ISBN: 9781431424849. Temporary Out of Stock - Estimated delivery within 15 days. Home Commonwealth Africa South Africa Apartheid, Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit. But Hennie van Vuuren and his team of researchers from the not-for-profit organisation Open Secrets have been driven the firm belief that apartheid s secrets must be exposed, and that truth will out. Weaving together archival material, interviews and newly declassified documents, Apartheid Guns and Money exposes some of the darkest secrets of Ebook Apartheid Guns And Money A Tale Of Profit currently available at for review only, if you need complete ebook Apartheid Guns. In his new book, Apartheid Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit (Hurst, 2019), Hennie van Vuuren examines the final decades of the apartheid regime in South Africa. He weaves together archival material, interviews and newly declassified documents to expose some of the darkest secrets of apartheid s economic crimes and their murderous consequences. Apartheid Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit. Hennie van Vuuren.Hurst, 2019, 448 pp. Purchase. In 1977, the United Nations imposed an arms embargo on the white-minority regime in South Africa. The embargo was later followed sanctions on trade, investment, and lending. The regime responded creating a sophisticated network of Apartheid Guns and Money A Tale of Profit Hennie van Vuuren. A Hurst Publication. An explosive expose that uncovers a covert network of over 50 countries, including the US, that illegally supplied guns to Pretoria while supposedly policing apartheid-era sanctions. 'Van Vuuren's monumental work is a gripping story of conspiracy, assassination, bribery and two-faced global dishonesty.[he] methodically and relentlessly exposes what he calls 'the arms money machine.' `It's not very often that a book really reshapes our perception of an issue, but Hennie van Vuuren's "Apartheid Guns and Money" is result of a decade Apartheid Guns and Money a tale of profit is the latest addition to the stable of South African non-fiction providing much-needed and valuable insight into the darker workings of government, both pre- and post-apartheid. Veteran and indefatigable researcher Hennie van Vuuren, who famously refused to give evidence before the Seriti Commission, has turned his [ ] Apartheid Guns and Money a meticulously researched book which lifts the lid on some of the darkest secrets of apartheid s economic crimes Janine on May 8th, 2017 Tweet The apartheid state was at war. Apartheid Guns and Money - A tale of profit Politics, Current Affairs & History In over 600 pages, this meticulously researched book finally lifts the lid on some of the darkest secrets of apartheid s economic crimes, weaving together a treasure trove of newly declassified documents and eyewitness accounts. Apartheid, Guns And Money: A Tale Of Profit is an exposé of this machinery created in defence of apartheid. They include heads of states, arms dealers, aristocrats, plutocrats, senators, bankers, spies, journalists and members of secret lob groups.
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